
To access the terminal on macOS, use Cmd+Space to enter Spotlight Search, then search for “Terminal” and hit enter to open it. Next, follow these steps to install LabGym.

  1. Install the Xcode command line tools, a software package provided by Apple that includes git and a C/C++ compiler named clang.

    % xcode-select --install

    A GUI installation window should pop up. Follow along and accept all the default values.

  2. Install Homebrew, a command-line package manager for macOS that will simplify the installation of Python. To install Homebrew, run the following command:

    % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


    If you’re on an Apple Silicon Mac, you will need to add Homebrew to PATH. To do this, enter the following command, then close and reopen your terminal window.

    % echo 'eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> ~/.zprofile
  3. Use Homebrew to install Python 3.10.

    % brew install python@3.10
  4. Install pipx by following these instructions.

    To test your installation of pipx, close and reopen your terminal window, then type the following command:

    % pipx --version

    If the version number prints successfully, then your installation is working properly. Otherwise, try running the pipx ensurepath command again.

  5. Install LabGym via pipx.

    % pipx install --python python3.10 LabGym
  6. Install Detectron2 in the LabGym’s virtual environment.

    % pipx runpip LabGym install 'git+'
  7. Launch LabGym.

    % LabGym

    The GUI will take a few minutes to start up during the first launch. If the LabGym GUI shows up, you have successfully installed LabGym!